wan·der·lust (wŏn'der-lŭst')
n. A very strong or irresistible impulse to travel.
I like this word, it sort of sums up my thought process when it comes to going places. I love to travel, to see new places, faces and things, experience new people, cultures and traditions and inevitably learn something new. I find that travel is an interest to many people. One thing that stands out in the definition is that wanderlust is an irresistable "impulse" to travel. Sometimes when I travel it is on just that... IMPULSE not really planned out thoroughly just kind of going with the wind and because of that my experiences are always that much more memorable.
So I invite you on my journey through the world, in the airports when every single flight is cancelled, on the way to a foreign country with a one-way ticket, on a tropical island with my favorite ladies, and even those good 'ole roadtrips with the family.
But that's not all... I'll recommend some great places to you and your friends, I'll even let you know where Jay & B was last weekend, all for the love of travel!!!
My experiences are unforgettable... they're forever... just like a tattoo :)
Stay tuned
Labels: wanderlust