MTV's most popular reality show "The Real World" has plans on taping their next season in Brooklyn. For those who aren't so familiar with the show...

"It is the true story of 7 strangers picked to live in a house and have their lives taped" and all through the season we (the viewers) get to "find out what happens when people stop being polite and start getting real".

The show premiered in 1992 in New York City and each season they choose a different location from Paris to Key West to Australia.

This year the cast is in Hollywood, as the season wraps up the producers are anxious to begin filming in Brooklyn as early as this summer. According to an article in the NY Post no leases have been signed but MTV has been eying various areas to house the strangers including DUMBO, Williamsburg, Park Slope or maybe even Coney Island.

As a Brooklyn native I am sometimes afraid that the latest developments in the borough will make Brooklyn lose it's character but I do believe that Brooklyn is a very progressive city, ready to claim it's place among the top cities in the world!!!

"The Real World: Brooklyn" (i like the sound of it) is slated to debut in early 2009 and I guess it's safe to say the best kept secret will finally be exposed...


  1. Anonymous said...
    I’m actually flattered that MTV would consider having the next cast of Real World in Brooklyn. It’s about time Brooklyn is recognized for the wonderful borough that it has grown to be. I’m confident that the cast will enjoy Brooklyn’s uniqueness, culture and personality. Can’t wait to tune in!!!! “Spread Love it’s the Brooklyn Way”

    GaloreNYC said...
    Im Bout To Go And Audition...Got My Guns And Marijuana Ready LoL...Need Those In The Real World OF Brooklyn
    Anonymous said...
    LoL I could tell what it will do for the BK. You'll get lots of tourists and groupies and wannabe models/actors roaming the streets. but that's about the worst. As fly as Brooklyn is, MTV can't POSSIBLY screw it up.
    Anonymous said...
    Hilarious. People from BK can smell your BS from a light-year away, and then serve it to you on a platter...cut and dry. I can't wait to see the interaction. Remember when Heather B spazzed out?!? lol

    BTW....I, too, would love to see the cast immerse themselves in Brooklyn's uniqueness and culture. MTV can't go wrong ;)

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